At 13:40 -0700 28-4-2003, Bill Reburn wrote: >Everyone catch the keynote? > >New iTunes, New iPods, new music downloads.. Awesome stuff Great stuff. Great software, connectivity, quality, range, e-commerce, etc. Superb innovation, technically. BUT is the price right? Is the added value fairly distributed? Just some thoughts ...... If we assume that the price of a CD is about $1/track (just for argument's sake). The Apple innovation really changes the nature of the value chain, cutting out all the intermediaries. This is normal in e-commerce. But since the AppleMusic price is about the same (¢99/track), all the existing margin in the conventional value chain accrues to someone. We do not know what deal Apple have cut (no pun intended) with the music 'suppliers', but someone is now making a good margin; who previously was making none (Apple) or was making much less (the music suppliers). What does the consumer gain ? Convenience, marginally or perhaps not noticeable lower quality, choice. But not, or not significantly, lower cost. I am sure that the artists get no benefit. I would like to be wrong on that one. It is my feeling that this apparent/first glance inbalance in benefits of the new delivery channel will inevitably force changes. Once the value of the new delivery channel begins to be seen, the added value of the few participants will be seen as in appropriately large. My prediction is that the unit price will change. Do I spend too much time assessing business plans and business models, that I cannot see this one as sustainable? How do others see the price aspect of this innovation? regards, Trevor