[Ti] [OT] Applemusic.com - is the price right?

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Tue Apr 29 11:00:14 PDT 2003

>LOL - listen to yourself - who exactly was polled and asked how much 
>they were willing to pay?

That's actually called "focus groups" in the biz and they are used 
heavily to justify many lame and many great marketing/product ideas. 
These focus groups are often poked at by many including the Simpson, 
King of the Hill and even a few commercials that are running.

The number of people is smaller, but the idea behind a focus group is 
that, usually, the people actually sample the product or commercial, 
often among other things that are similar. So in addition to 
answering poll-type questions, the users actions, facial expressions, 
and body language are also observed; in theory, this makes the 
results of the focus group more honest and accurate than even 
"scientific" polls.

In the end, only time and consumer response will tell the tale...
Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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