>Have a burning question (sorry for the pun). Can I download the >files from the Apple Music store and burn it on a regular cd to play >in your everyday CD players (car, home cd deck, dvd/cd deck, cd >Walkman)? I don't have an iPod, nor do I want to carry around a >computer to listen to music. I'd like to be able to burn a regular >CD like I do when I rip audio off of CD's and use Toast/Jam to >create my compilations. Yep, the default burn is Audio CD format in iTunes. Also, to answer one of my questions in an earlier post, iTunes 4 does support my VST external burner; I suppose the note that says it will only work in internal drives and MAY work in others is CYA talk so they don't have to support anything but their own. -- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Mike Bigley Maineville, Ohio http://www.norbertrunning.com Please support an American Indian Elder & Medicine Man by visiting the above link. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>