Dear All, We're starting to get +way+ off topic with the music service issue as it's not technically TiSpecific, but I'm finding it interesting and the number of posts seem to suggest others do to. Re. <I think apple's service would be great if it included more obscure titles off smaller labels.> I run a 'smaller label', our work to date has been critically acclaimed and we get +a lot+ of very high profile press coverage in the music press. I contacted Apple two days ago to offer them our back catalogue of music to distribute - for free. We've always given away our .mp3s, surviving on the stream (steady trickle) of money that comes through selling well designed releases. We have no intention of moving to a paid for .mp3 situation, as we appreciate the fact that the general public can experience the music we foster without the worry of having to pay for it. It might sound idealistic, but this broadens the appeal of the type of experimental music we are doing our best to champion and we have very heavy traffic at our site as a result. Anyway, as yet I haven't heard from Apple, but I strongly suspect I won't. The majors ('big five') and the so-called independents under their wings survive (some would say thrive) on a very tightly controlled system of licensing and publishing rights, etc. Smaller labels, more often than not, are heading in completely the opposite direction. Often doing what they're doing for love not money. >From long experience, large corporations (like Apple) have a very difficult time understanding, let alone negotiating with, love not money companies so I doubt we'll see anything other than mostly mainstream releases on Apple's service. I do hope though that I'm wrong. Take care, Christopher | """..NOW PLAYING..00.04.2003---||||... | 0000 | XXXX---- ROB SWIFT | THE ABLIST --------------------- <> | XXXX---- RJD2 | DEADRINGER ----------- \\ | 0000 \\\\..\\\\ | info at