OT: Music, AAC vs MP3 encoding results

George Rothrock grafzepp at mac.com
Wed Apr 30 08:16:45 PDT 2003

Hello, List Mates!
Thank you all for the lively discussion on all topices (especially 
Powerbooks and their eccentricities  ;) )
I wanted to weigh in on a couple of things:
a) Stealing is bad.  Steve Wozniak expressed it best.
b) I hope Apple sees the wisdom of Cristopher's approach and allows 
Applemusic.com to distribute all sorts of independent content: the 
means to distribution is the lifeline and the choke-point for all 
content producers.
c) I was glad that Apple included a way to include album (remeber 
those?) art in your database, if you want to.  I want to.
d) I used to encode 192 vbr mp3s.  I am now doing 128 aac, and 
experiencing the expected 30% size savings.  On a 15 inch TiPb.
e) I find the quality to be even better, but hey, my ear is only so 

grafzepp at mac.com
TiPb 1ghz  1g ram  30g hd
SpDr  AP  10.2.5  iPod: 20g

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