Hello again, all: Just after posting, I found a nifty shareware utility that I thought I'd share with you. It's called "Pacifist", and allows you to read an install package (or an entire install disc), locate the file you want, and install it. Worked like a charm on my particular problem. You can find it at: http://www.charlessoft.com/ He also has a utility called "BootCD", that creates a disk image that can be used to burn a bootable Mac OS X CD (even Jaguar) with a working Finder and Dock, and a hack called "DockDisks", that makes disks appear in the Dock when you insert them, rather than on your Desktop. My thanks to Charles, and if I were him, I guess I'd say, "don't applaud, just throw money". -- Eric L. Peters Associate Professor of Ecology and Environmental Science Department of Biological Sciences Voice: (773)995-2421 Chicago State University Fax: (773)995-3759 9501 S. King Drive mailto:E-Peters at csu.edu Chicago, IL 60628-1598 http://webs.csu.edu/~epeters/ "... everything that is unpleasant in life has been brought to us by liberals. One of them is the fact that we can only have two tablespoons of water in our toilet bowls because of some idiotic conservation of water. It's wacky enough for liberals to think about global warming, but that we would run out of natural resources? It rains. The water doesn't go away. Because of liberal government bureaucrats, they decided that we can only have two tablespoons of water in the toilet. You throw half a tissue in the toilet and you have to flush it 16 times." Ann Coulter (interview with David Bowman,"Ann Coulter, woman" in Salon.com, July 25,2003)