One question, is your battery charging? I've noticed that I night when charging my PB I can hear the AC charger buzzing-but, only when charging. The other day, I had it plugged into the same powerstrip as my amp and go a buzing through my system. So, either you could have them going through different circuits, or pull out the battery and run off AC and that might quite things down. erik g At 09:35 -0400 08/13/03, Chris Malanga wrote: >Hey listas, > >Got a problem and need some of the electrical/computer experts out there to >help. I am a mobile DJ and use my TiBook for playing MP3 music (all legal!) >at my gigs. I also use a wireless microphone. > >I have found that whenever the Ti is plugged in, it interferes with my >wireless mic. I can tell this because the base's "ready" light comes on, >indicating that it has a signal from the mic. But, the mic's not on. If I >unplug the Ti, it goes away. I have tried a number of things including >plugging them into different circuits, replacing my audio cables from the Ti >with shielded ones, etc. But it appears that the Ti is interfering with >the signal. > >Is there anything I can do to isolate the problem? Any type of cable or >insulator to buy? Short of unplugging the Ti when I want to use the mic, >that is. Help would be appreciated. If you could respond quickly, and Cc: >me as I am on digest, that would be great. My sister is getting married >this weekend, and I would like to have this problem fixed before then. > >TIA... > >Chris Malanga >tibook at > > >---------- >Check out the Titanium email list FAQ > > >To unsubscribe, E-mail to: <Titanium-off at> >To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to ><Titanium-digest at> >Need help from a real person? Try. ><Titanium-request at> > >---------- >$14.99 Unlimited Nationwide Mac Dialup and Mac Web Hosting from your Mac ISP >Serious Mac Internet Solutions From NineWire! > >RoadTools $30 PodiumPad available at Apple retail stores, $20 Traveler >CoolPad at Staples. Both in white for iBooks at <> > > Cyberian | Support this list when you buy at! > Outpost |