On 8/23/03 6:38pm, "mac2 mail" <mac2 at oryx.cc> typed: > I have a TI 500 with the stock CDROM/DVD-ROM drive which has recently > died. It will accept a cd then in a few seconds, eject it. When the > cd is in the drive, the drive never spins up. I will probably keep > this system for another 9-12 months and definately need some type of > optical drive. I am coming into this rather late but... I have a Ti 400. A month ago suddenly my drive did what is described here. Thinking of how we press the C key to tell Mac to start off a startup CD, I tried pressing the C key as I put a CD in. Sometimes it helped. (Then it didn't. Then my drive started working again.) I realize this is not a solution in that you'll want a reliable drive. And I have not verified this with Apple as I would it I printed it. But when a CD fails to mount for any of you, maybe this tip will help. - - - - - - Please cut here when quoting - - - - - - Deborah Shadovitz, Author, Instructor & Speaker <http://www.shadovitz.com> ~ <deb at shadovitz.com> MacAddict Contributing Editor, O'Reilly Network author, Mac Design Columnist The Adobe GoLive 5 Bible ~ <http://www.GoLiveBible.com> Launch Pad Books & good old Mac Efficiency 101 at MacEfficiency.com