On Thursday, August 28, 2003, at 05:35 am, cbirds wrote: > How do I file share with someone who has a 192.etc IP behind a router? > There doesn't seem to be a problem with mine because there is no > software associated with it. But I can't dial into anyone's with the > local IP. > first question is what protocol? what the 192 means is that they have NAT (network address translation ) network behind the external IP address. Therefore when packets for a particular protocol (lets say you make a ftp request ) come in to the router, the router doesn't know where to send those packets. Unless you tell it. Most routers allow you to set up "Virtual servers" or "port forwarding" rules so that the packets get routed to the right machine. connection protocols that snoop one port before connecting on another get complicated (passive ftp). -- Tarik Bilgin Opalblue tarik at opalblue.com