[Ti] OT: FWIW, iMovie 3 reportedly available via P2P

Ric Perrott ric at ricperrott.com
Tue Feb 4 15:05:09 PST 2003

On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 03:18  PM, b wrote:

> According to Loren Schooley:
>> iMovie 3.0.1 Users "Upgrading" to 2.1.2
>> <http://apple.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/02/04/ 
>> 0415253&mode=thread&tid=1
>> 76>
> Oh sure, right, one user out of hundreds of anecdotal accounts.
> Slash-dot is the center of "the-sky-is-falling' and computer-related  
> 'guessware', paranoia, etc. Fun to read, but, you do have to look a  
> little further than the initial, so-called 'story'.
> ~flipper
Check out the MacDV list or the Apple Support forums.

They're FULL of complaints regarding iMovie 3.

It's a P.O.S. and should never have been released in this condition.

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