Safari Tabs

Loren Schooley loren at
Mon Feb 24 07:33:01 PST 2003

>From /.

Tabs ho!

... to activate the debug menu. While Safari is not running, write this in
the terminal:

defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1

Start Safari (Beta .62) and choose "Tabbed Browsing" in the debug menu.

Command-T will open a new tab as will right clicking on a link and choose
"Open link in new tab". Command-W will close the tab you are currently
using. Command-shift-right/leftarrow wil choose the prev/next tab.

One thing though, tabs slows down the gui, not page-load-time, but it takes
longer to switch between tabs than to switch between windows. Also, if you
have, say, 5 tabs in one window and are looking at the last (the one most to
the right) command-shift-rightarrow will not cycle you back to the first
tab. Another thing is that Safari sometimes closes the whole window instead
of just the tab when you press command-W.

Ive got only small complaints, Im very impressed they got it working so well
already. Cant wait for the final.

Tabbing is a nice feature, but Ive kinda got used to not using tabs after
shifting to Safari. well, Ive just got to get used to tabbing again ;)

Cmd-click will open a link in a new tab

Cmd-Shift-click will open a link in a new tab in the background

Cmd-Option-click will open a link in a new window

Cmd-Option-Shift-click will open a link in a new window in the background

How did I find out? When you hover over a link, Safari shows you what it
would do if you clicked that link in the status bar. Very convenient.

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