>I just want to take an HTML file from my desktop, preferably from a popup folder, (yeah I know X has no popup folders) and drag it onto the browser to display local HTML that I am working on. >I can drag a whole folder of files onto Netscape, but I use that less than just dragging one file. >This way, my individual sites are tucked away on the HD/Documents folder but the ones I need to work on are lined up in front of me and I can go in directly rather than doing File>Open to test. >It's not like using BBEDIT where you hit a button and it previews, I am hand coding so I need to have some short way of doing this. X seems a bit restrictive in this sense either that or I have not found a workaround. All of what you want to do is possible but you must be using Relative links rather than Absolute links. -- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Robert Ameeti mailto:robert at ameeti.net Some call it Windows, others the longest batch file of the world. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>