Star speckled Ti???

jim jones loveyourlife at
Mon Jan 6 19:19:59 PST 2003

Hey everyone,
    Thanks for the helpful list....
  I recently purchased a refurb Tibook 800/512/40 with applcare and when I have an all black screen like opening dvd player to full screen or the black part of the screen as Flurry is going the screen upon close examination is speckled like the night sky...... and it is all over the screen.
  Now, this was not terribly noticable until now but as I say I just got it about a month ago and the novelty along with a little overzealous excitement can be held accountable for my temporary blindness.
  So is this a common problem or am I uniquely blessed??
   Are these dead pixels???
  mildly irritating to find things wrong with such a hefty investment?!?!
   Thanks ahead of time for any help.........Nate

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