[Ti] Happy 1 Ghz Powerbook users! - I am

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Wed Jan 8 11:56:05 PST 2003

>How about because of the fact that they promised Quark there would 
>be some good-quality OS-9 bootable Macs available in 2003 until they 
>got their rear in gear to release Quark on OS X?

I sort of liked the Job's "slight of hand" in saying that this is 
what they meant by all models produced after 2002... Education and 
Quark get to keep buying any Macs but (to date) the 17" and 12" 
powerbooks... That was a slick way of smoothing some ruffled feathers 
and actually a better way of phasing in OSX.

I suspect that the next release of desktops will have the G5 chips
Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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