I'm on a 667 Powerbook [which I'm very happy with, BTW], and I'm wondering, in the interests of getting the Radeon card's 16MB of RAM dedicated to my external LaCie monitor, if there isn't some way to just use the external, and not have the system send any info to the built-in LCD? I like the LCD, it's not that, I just need the external to have the full 16MB to drive the Quartz Extreme all the way. I use the monitors at thousands of colors, normally, and can set the external to millions of colors at 1600 X 1200, if wish, but for intensive Photoshop, and some Boris FX stuff, having millions of colors at higher resolution would be great. It's not life and death, which, I have a feeling, is a good thing <laughs>. When the LCD is dimmed all the way to black, it is still being 'written to', so there's no 'gain' as far as Video RAM is concerned. I'd heard, some time ago, that upgrading the card is out of the question. Does that mean that there's no way to swap Video cards, or, that there's also no way to get more RAM on the same card? I appreciate any response, even if it's so-called 'bad' news. Thanks. ~flipper Brian Stegner ex-Editor <another nasty story, NM>