[Ti] About battery Use...Question

Dennis Fazio dfz at mac.com
Tue Jan 14 07:16:37 PST 2003

--On Tuesday, January 14, 2003 05:18 PM +1100 Peter Sealy 
<pandcsealy at hotkey.net.au> wrote:

> On Monday, January 6, 2003, at 12:15  PM, ~flipper wrote:
>> So, then, is it a good idea, once the batteries have been thoroughly
>> discharged twice, to run the Powerbook [when used primarily as a
>> desktop machine, which i do] without the battery in the compartment?

I don't think it matters much. But I'm not sure what advantage is gained by 
removing the battery. It doesn't take up any extra space, doesn't seem to 
generate any extra heat, and since you're plugged in, there is no issue of 
power drain.

If you're looking to extend battery life, I doubt there's that much 
difference between keeping it installed or in the bag at 100% charge. 
Longest life is garnered by storing it at 40% charge. Your battery may last 
slightly longer this way, but then you only have 40% capacity to start with 
when you need the battery.
Dennis Fazio
dfz at mac.com

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