[Ti] Gross!!

Robin Darby robindarby at mac.com
Thu Jan 16 06:22:52 PST 2003

On Thursday, January 16, 2003, at 02:07  pm, Edmund White wrote:

> I was preparing to return my Powerbook G4 667 to Apple for the last 
> time,
> and was instructed to remove the Airport card and RAM. While 
> disassembling
> the bottom case, I discovered the nastiest thing... The paint 
> delamination
> had spread along the edge of the casing, as illustrated in the photos 
> at:

Yea, my old 667 has marks like these and I'm just waiting for them to 
appear on my new(ish) 800. Not too worried ~ it though, its such a 
minor defect. Tiny scraches and marks etc are only to be expected on a 
well used laptop after a few years. My advice is to just put up with 
them, Its not worth (well not to me anyhow) loosing you laptop for a 
week while apple retouch it.
If you insist on a pristine laptop, you could always trade up every few 
years, you should still get a healthy 50%/60% discount if you trade in 
for a new 17" ti-bitch (works well for girlfriends too :).


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