[Ti] Here's your challenge...

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Fri Jan 17 13:27:19 PST 2003

>It's all word of mouth.  If we don't do it, who will?

What you describe sounds like the old Evangelista list.  It was 
moderated by Guy Kawasaki and run by Apple. When Guy left Apple they 
did not replace him (AFAIK), but the list went away. Several others 
tried to re-ignite it, but Guy was a professional evangelist and 
really kept the energy of the list focused.  When folks needed Mac 
support (like a school switching to Windoze), the list would 
literally send thousands of reasons and experiences that supported 
the Mac; flames were disdained on this list and those who wanted to 
flame anti-Mac folks were directed to lists like Mackido and others 
that were more militant.

The list strictly was a forum for others to share positive Mac 
experiences; it was a great resource, I think because it was also a 
huge list.  When people were trying to evangelize the Mac, they could 
always rely on the list for solutions. For example, if someone posted 
that their neighbor said he can't use a Mac because it won't to XXX 
that Windoze can, the list usually posted dozens of SOLUTIONS to that 
problem... Positive Ammo for the Evangelist.

It's been gone for over 4 years now and I still miss that list.  But 
as subsequent failed Evangelists proved, it takes a dedicated, 
full-time moderator to keep the list focused and active. Anybody at 
Apple listening?
Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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