[Ti] Market Share: 2.3% -- That's NOT good press, coupled with the loss

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Fri Jan 17 14:09:54 PST 2003

>Let's admit to ourselves that there is a problem here which requires
>serious thought and both vision and fast action to correct.

yes, we are both Mac diehards, but I absolutely disagree that there 
is a real problem; Apple has been fighting a PERCEIVED problem for 
years. When Jobs returned he said quit thinking of it as a problem 
and get back to making "insanely great" stuff. They did; Apple is 
extremely successful and reporters still keep trying to undermine 
Apple.  It ain't real... Apple is fine.

We can agree to disagree, but as a Mac user for over 15 years, I have 
just observed the media hacks twisting numbers and predicting woes 
for too long; I also lived through the REAL Apple crisis in the 
mid-90s.  As a diehard Mac user, it has been many years since I have 
seen the hardware and software options that are available to Mac 
users today; and as long as hardware and software vendors continue to 
support Apple in growing numbers (and they are), then Apple will 
continue to thrive no matter what the market share weanies predict.

Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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