[Ti] signs of a bad logic board

Kynan Shook kshook at mac.com
Sat Jan 18 12:21:58 PST 2003

Eric <EricDD at myrealbox.com> writes:
> Hi: I am wondering what are he signs of a defective logic board. My
> power adapter went dead. A local mac shop offered to lend me one until
> a new one came in (it would take a few days and I am in the middle of a
> project). The tech was checking out my book and told me I also needed a
> new logic board b/c my battery was not charging.  Actually, my battery
> is charging.  It charges when the computer is shut down, asleep and in
> use. (He had told me he couldn't a see the "charging sign - the bolt).
> I am under warranty so don't see why he would be trying to make this
> up.   Are there any other sings of a bad logic board I might be missing
> as since he has to order the new power adapter he could do the logic
> board at the same time.   this is a 667 dvi bought in august. thank
> you. eric

This could be a bad logic board, but it's more likely a bad power 
adapter; if the power adapter can't supply enough power to the 
computer, it will prevent charging while the computer is running to 
avoid drawing too much power and lighting the power adapter on fire.  
This can also happen if you use an older 45W power adapter with the new 
machines that ship with a 65W power adapter.
Another possibility is a problem with the Power Management Unit.  You 
can shut down the computer, then press the button in the back, then 
wait 5 seconds and power the computer up.
My next idea after these two quick, cheap fixes would be the logic 

Kynan Shook
macman at macline.com

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