[Ti] Market Share: 2.3% -- That's NOT good press, coupled with the loss

XXL xxl at mac.com
Sat Jan 18 18:01:29 PST 2003

>> is hard to argue with the notion that developing for the huge base of Wintel
>> machines has the potential for greater profit.
> Not necessarily true... in graphics world, Adobe still sell 50% or
> more Mac versions.

Adobe has second-classed its Mac business because the big sales are on the
Wintel side.  Adobes Wintel apps always ship first these days.

You miss the point in any case. Fewer seats mean less market.  It is simple
arithmetic.  If you want to nail blame somewhere, blame Apple.

When Apple had the only GUI in town, they charged so much for their machines
that anybody that did not need PageMaker was hard pressed to justify the

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