[Ti] Market Share: 2.3% -- That's NOT good press, coupled with the loss

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Mon Jan 20 08:35:15 PST 2003

>Adobe has second-classed its Mac business because the big sales are on the
>Wintel side.  Adobes Wintel apps always ship first these days.

This is absolutely false; Adobe has delayed the release of Mac 
versions so they can simultaneously release apps and vice versa.  The 
last Adobe app that a Windows version was launched first was Acrobat 
4 and the Project Manager was fired for that.

There was some squabbling because over OSX versions, but in Adobe's 
words, it was like disagreements amongst family members. Chuck Geshke 
and John Warnock are very dedicated to Apple; and Apple has a very 
close relationship with Adobe.
Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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