[Ti] Browser crashing?

John Griffin jwegriffin at mac.com
Tue Jul 1 09:33:00 PDT 2003

Joseph Fisher typed this message on 6/30/03 7:41 PM:

> Here's my dilemma -
> I've been trying out different internet browsers. As of last night most of
> my browsers will not load and immediately crash just after "splash" screen.
> The crashers include; Internet Explorer 5, Mozilla, Camino. I can load and
> use Opera, iCab, and the latest beta of Safari -
> Most annoying of all any HTML mail sent to me crashes Entrouage my e-mail
> program. However HTML mail does NOT crash Apple's Mail pgm.
> Any suggestions? 

It sounds to me as if one or two resources in your internet setup have been
fudged. It could be the permissions have been rewritten or your Internet
preferences have been corrupted.

Warning: I am not an expert in any way, but from what little I know about OS
X, this seems to be the most reasonable approach.

If I were you, the first line of attack would be to get Disk Utility to
repair your permissions. Then get Terminal to re-prebind your system files.

If you have Cocktail, it can do all these things and more.

If this doesn't work, you could look for the following files:


These file are in your User/Library/Preferences folder and if you pull them
out, place them on your desktop (don't trash them yet) and rewrite your
Internet settings in the Internet System Preferences panel you may be able
to get the browsers working again.

Good luck...


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