[Ti] Stock Market Charting software OS X ?

Paul List Hess hess2 at yacht.com
Mon Jul 21 07:14:28 PDT 2003

Hi Joe,

Have you had a look at MarketAnalyst X?  <http://tinyurl.com/hkbu>.  It looks promising but I haven't tried it out yet. 

There's also In the a broker ThinkOrSwim with a Java app.  It's a
little clunky but some OK charting and real-time data.  Can't beat the

I'd love to hear your thoughts on MarketAnalyst X versus the other packages.  I had saved the links but did not have time to compare the packages yet.

If you write me directly, please remove the "2" from my address.

                                  - Paul

At 9:15 PM -0400 7/20/03, Joseph Fisher wrote:
>After running a search I've discovered a few Mac specific programs available;  ProTA, Behold, Tendsetter, and Tradex. But all appear to be OS 9 only. A couple are ridiculously expensive for what they offer and especially as OS 9 programs (I know Metastock Windows is expensive but it was a gift and I didn't have to pay for it at $500+ USD).

   Useful? Pledge a nickle: <http://www.ginx.com/nx/donate/hesspaul> 
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   Paul Hess,  AIM: idea2go, XNS: hesspaul.  PGP available on request   

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