Help - Display gone all bizarre on me

Geoff Hopson ghopson at
Thu Jul 31 14:52:58 PDT 2003


Long time reader, first time poster. Had a rev A TiBook 500MHz 512Meg 
RAM since they first came out, and it has been a loyal servant over the 
last 2.5 years or so. But this week the display has been playing up. 
Quite randomly, the screen will be replaced with a series of vertical 
lines very close together, or the same but with a single black 
horizontal line across it, or some other weird effects. A reboot 
normally fixes it - but today even the reboot sequence bought up the 
"display of death".

I zapped the PRAM a few times, seemed to help (got me through a busy 
afternoon with no crashes), but the thing has just gone again. Luckily 
this time I can ssh into it - nothing untoward when using top, nothing 
(apparent) in the system log.

ANyone else seen this? Is my display busted? If so, what hope?

Geoff Hopson
Objectology Ltd.

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