Has anybody else on the list noticed that both QuickTime 6.3 and iTunes 4.0.1 no longer handle/play AIFC audio files? I would like to get a general confirmation of this from the listies before proceeding to contact Apple or re-encoding a bunch of audio files, all legal, from my store bought CDs. With iTunes, nothing happens and with QuickTime (pro), I get one of two alert messages. Either "Quicktime is missing software required to display this movie file. Unfortunately, it is not available on the QuickTime server." or "Couldn't open the file "xxx"because an unsupported sound format was encountered". Memory 1024 500MHZ Power PC G4 tibook OSX 10.2.6 QuickTime 6.3 iTunes 4.0.1 Thanks for your help. H. Peet Foster-Design 32 Bramble lane Riverside, CT 06878 (917)975-3731