[Ti] Ok so besides the LIDE 30 what other scanners work?

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Sun Jun 8 08:06:21 PDT 2003

>So my experience with this LIDE 30 has been less than satisfactory. 
>I've basically wasted half a day trying to get this thing to work 
>and that's all I'm prepared to put in.
>So, what scanners are considered "reliably" supported under OSX?
>Canon makes great digital cameras but I think I'll look at other 
>manufacturers for scanners.
>It works with VueScan but the additional cost will no longer make 
>this is a cost effective scanner.

I have seldom, if ever been satisfied with "out of the box" software 
that is included with most scanners.  Seems just about the time some 
of them started to get it right, Apple moved to OSX. That being said, 
I as at GraphExpo a few years ago and saw a demo of Microtek's newest 
software, and it rocked!  A friend bought a Microtek scanner which I 
installed for him and their software is carbonized, though he is 
still using OS9 mostly so I have not tested it extensively in OSX.

Though most consumer-end scanners to not have a big enough bed to 
make batch scanning a big deal, Microtek makes several models that 
have 35mm trays built in, so they have incorporated a decent batch 
scanning mode.

They have been making scanners a long time and have also supported 
the Mac platform since the beginning. I wasn't always a Microtek fan 
for the same reason you want to abandon Canon, the hardware was good, 
but their software s*cked. However, it appears that they have 
addressed that issue.
Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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