Hi Kynan- I agree. I have to say, even with my RadTech cloth in there, I'm still getting impressions of the keboard on the screen-they're just not the sharper, more focused marks of the edges of the keys. I suspect that the contact is still there, (is the refrig light really off when you close the door?), and as you pointed out, maybe even more so because of the increase of material between keys and screen-but there's no oil (I don't type on the keyboard, I leave it covered and use the external, and the cloth would block any oil from the rare typing on the keyboard). So this leads me to conclude that it's essentially unavoidable, especially if you carry the book in a case, and put, say, your Franklin Planner on top as you lay the bag on your car seat... pressing the screen into the keyboard even more. So the best you can do is minimize and mitigate the damage, which is what the right protector could offer. That's my $.02 FWIW. On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 06:40 AM, PowerBook G4 Titanium List wrote: > But if you think about it, many of the solutions=96a cloth, a piece > of=20= > paper, the foam that the computer shipped with=96involve putting > MORE=20 > material between the screen and the keyboard to rub against the > screen.=20= > Especially the ones like the paper and foam, which won't spread out=20 > the pressure much. The big difference is the lack of skin oils. John B. Crane Principal CraneDigital, LLC Visual Communications for All Media jbcrane at cranedigital.com +1 (970) 229-1462 www.cranedigital.com This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited.