[Ti] Privacy & [OT] Microsoft to quit web browsers for Mac

NaegeleWDC at aol.com NaegeleWDC at aol.com
Sun Jun 15 05:06:49 PDT 2003

Thanks, Tarik, I used the "Shields UP!" tests (see https://grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 ) with the following results:

1.  My "Internet port 139 does not appear to exist!";

2.  They were "[u]nable to connect with NetBIOS to [my] computer"; and

3.  As to the "NanoProbe," the results were all "Stealth!   There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that a port (or even any computer) exists at this IP address!"

Thus -- whatever those totally esoteric tests mean -- it would appear that everything is OK, hopefully.

As to MS dropping IE for Macs, that is unfortunate.  I use 5.1 that came with my Ti 800, as well as Netscape's 7.02 and Camino 0.7.0.  Frankly, for most uses, I like the IE best, and it seems to be quite a bit faster than either the Netscape or Camino browsers -- and I am using a DSL line.  

Also, in accessing AOL mail, only IE has a feature where you can check a box next to each piece of junk mail and delete them all at once.

I haven't tried Safari, but the loss of IE for Macs is not welcome news.  God help us if they ever drop MS Office for Macs!  Why wouldn't that be a logical step for MS down the road?

Best to all,

Tim Naegele



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