Hi, I just got a TiBook/867/Combo, and I'm in love [broke but happy] -- tethered to the office no longer!! Starbuck's here I come ..... I set it up, updated to the latest Apple updates, and explored over the weekend (new to OSX). I'd like to ask the list members for suggestions about which utility software packages I should use, particularly drive & file handling, before I dive too deeply into loading apps, etc. I already have the following, originally purchased for my G3: o FWB Hard Disk Toolkit v4.0 o TechTool Pro v3.03 (plus whatever version just arrived with AppleCare) o Norton SystemWorks v2.0 I have purchased the Norton Anti-Virus v9 (7 for Classic) and installed it, and scanned the TiBook. I have Toast Titanium (latest version); not installed yet. I have seen discussion about Disk Warrior -- any comments, given what I already own? Should I upgrade one of the apps I currently have, or is there a strong consensus that DW will better suit my needs? What about Norton SystemWorks v3.0? A couple of questions: 1. TTPro site says, buy Drive 10 now and get TTPro v4 free when it's released. Anyone using Drive 10? 2. FWB HDTK v4.5.2 upgrade available for $30, but I don't think it's for OSX .. ? And if I continue to use it on the G3/OSv9.2.2, anyone know if I should go ahead and upgrade it to v4.5.2? FWB isn't answering emailed or telephone message queries. I have MS-Office 98/Mac --- has anyone installed it under Classic? Not crazy about the cost of new Office -- it'd be cheaper to upgrade my copy of Virtual PC (and run Win2000, which I have, plus MS-Office 2000, which I have) or get VirtualPC/WinXP (thereby learning XP and also probably able to use MS-Office 2000). Of course, in that case, I'm faced with backing up and formatting/partitioning. And also, there's the fact that I can't get Connectix to reply to emails asking about upgrade charges from older versions ..... What other apps/utilities are recommended? I'll have tons of apps on both the OSX system and in Classic. Thanks to everyone for any suggestions and opinions, Deb