[Ti] LCD screens and viao

Khyber Courchesne khyber at urbisnet.com
Tue Jun 24 12:34:22 PDT 2003

Just a quick observation - I was at WWDC yesterday and across the street is
the "sony style" store.  I have to admit I was astounded at the prices -
their version of the 22" cinema display cost $600 more - and I thought apple
was supposed to be the most expensive!

Anyway, I was looking at the viao notebooks, and while absolutely clunky in
design (was there any design?) the screens were *so much better* than my
ti800, which I pulled out to compare.  I even changed my gamma level, and
the color saturation, contrast, and brightness of all the viao's made the
tiBook just look.....sad. Really, really, really sad, actually.  It was

What is the story with this?  Why are we stuck with these lousy LCD's?

Sidenote: (WinXP was really confusing...I still don't get "my computer."
Who's computer? The rest of the stuff on the desktop is not part of "my"
computer?  Isn't that a folder, not a computer? Anyway...and "recycle?" what
is up with that?)

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