I am a creature of habit; and even though I purchased Jaguar some months ago, I never installed it because we have been in the midst of some critical briefs and I didn't want or need any problems. Yesterday I was looking forward to watching Steve Jobs' presentation, and QuickTime 6.3 was giving me a very fuzzy, broken-up picture. I was still running OS 10.1.5, and thought that perhaps the 6.3 version that I had installed recently might have been for Jaguar. Anyway, I tried to "fix" it and finally called an AppleCare techie who worked with me for a while and said that I needed to install Jaguar. He gave me some bad advice, probably because he seemed to have little or no experience with 10.1.5; and an "upgrade" was not performed although my existing system was "archived," thank God. Another techie admitted that I received bad advice, and told me what needed to be done to save almost everything, it seems. What I find, however, is that OS 10.2.6 and Safari are terrific. I am not telling most of you anything new, but it is new for me. I am very impressed with Safari. It seems much faster than MS IE 5.2 or Netscape 7.02 or Camino 0.7.0; and it would seem that the loss of Explorer might not be the worse thing to happen after all. I have been told to reinstall all of my applications (e.g., MS Office) and I am not looking forward to that, but it has been a truly pleasant surprise to see how well Jaguar and Safari function. Tim Naegele http://admin.naegelelaw.com/FSL5CS/Custom/home.asp ___________