Dear listers, Just wanted to watch a DVD on my TV via my new PowerBook 12''. Have the adapter of the S-Video out and do get a video signal , but no sound from the TV. In the early days, I had a 466 MHz Clamshell iBook with composite out that made it easy to connect 'Book and TV with just one cable. Tried that one now - audio yes, video no. My question: Do I really have to connect my PowerBook's audio out to the TV now (i. e. fiddling with *two* cables instead of one)? And - is that what they call "advanced technology"? Quite impressed and thankful for any (audio) input - Per __ "Just when I thought that bicycles no longer existed I saw a woman on one." - Michel Contat Per Brodersen (Ph.D. Candidate, Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf) Winsstraße 16 10405 Berlin, Germany mailto:per.brodersen at