on 2/28/2003 7:43 PM, Don at ds1000309 at uid.onemain.com wrote: > My Tibook is mobile, but not *this* mobile. Outpost has a refurbished Palm > IIIxe on > sale for $59.99. > > Is this a good deal? Has anyone any experience with this model? I am > particularly > interested in the "to do" list function and have never owned/used a hand held. > > The product description says you can connect with your Mac over a landline. > How > practical is that function? > > Thanks for any input. I really like having a Palm that I can carry on my body in addition to my PBG4. I used to carry around a Franklin planner to keep track of my schedule, phone book, and to-do list, but the Palm does all of that and more -- in a much smaller package. That, in conjunction with connecting it to my PBG4 with the cradle (using a USB port in my case) allows me to do more extensive stuff with the computer (using Entourage, in my case) and carry around what I need when I'm away from the computer. -- Glenn L. Austin <>< Computer Wizard and Race Car Driver <glenn at austin-home.com> <http://www.austin-home.com/glenn/>