Hi, (Sorry if this is double-posted, but I originally sent it 2 days ago and still haven't seen it in my digests.) I'll spare you my long drawn out sob story, but after 7 times back to apple for repair in 10 months, my 800mhz TiBook is going to an early grave. Apple is providing a "replacement" TiBook, and I'm wondering exactly what that means. Surely my "replacement" won't be a refurbished 800mhz (that's not acceptable as far as I'm concerned)!?!? It's clear that mine was a lemon, and I think I should get in value close to what I paid for it. That and the lost productivity and inconvenience I'm hoping means a 1ghz model. That would move me from a very dissatisfied, likely former Apple customer, to a very happy one. Anyone have any insight or experiences to share in this regard? Thanks....