[Ti] Visio-equivalent for OS X?

Sherman Gregory sherman at qualcomm.com
Thu Mar 6 12:41:34 PST 2003

At 10:19 AM -0800 3/4/03, Greg Noneman wrote:
>I've been reading all the comments on ConceptDraw and OmniGraffle. 
>I have experimented with both of them and have had some minor 
>exposure (not favorable) to Visio on the PC.  Maybe it's just my 
>familiarity with old tools, but I always find myself going back to 
>running ClarisDraw under Classic.  Sure it doesn't have all the 
>bells and whistles of the new applications, but I still find it to 
>be the most straight-forward and intuitive drawing application that 
>I have used.  I suspect I am not alone on this. I personally know 
>several people who still rely on ClarisDraw and ClarisDraft.
>As it now seems that Apple is again devoting resources to 
>application development, it sure would be nice to see an OS X native 
>drawing tool with the power and elegant simplicity of 
>Mac/ClarisDraw.  It probably won't ever happen, but I couldn't 
>resist putting in my $.02.

I will jump in with a "Me Too" here.  I have used OmniGraffle for 
some drawings, and for certain things it is great.  It makes great 
org charts and simple block diagrams.  For more complex things I seem 
to find it not doing what I want, and I seem to be looking for a work 
around for some of its "features".  For detailed drawings, I find 
ClarisDraw under Classic much easier and faster.  I would love an 
updated ClarisDraw.  But I agree that it is highly unlikely.

Not being able to read Visio files is the biggest problem that I have 
in being a rare Mac person in a Windows world.


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