According to Ray M: >Hello all >I'm sure this issue has already been discussed, but I wonder how can I use >diskwarrior 3 on my startup disk running osx. > >I am able to run it on my os9 partition but not on the osx? How can I do >that? > > >Thanx ray Hi Ray, You can either boot from the DiskWarrior CD,or, you can drag a copy of the DW app to your OS 9 partition. If you put it on the OS 9 side you have the option of increasing its Memory allotment, something you can't do when using it straight off the DiskWarrior CD. Then, you'd boot the Mac from the OSX installer CD, and run the DW that is on the OS 9 side. I do that all the time. It isn't as critical, [as far as memory goes], with the rebuild Desktop DW application, but really makes a huge difference if you run PlusOptimizer, or a Norton Speed Disk installation from a drive, rather than a factory boot CD. I keep DW's app on all my drives and partitions, as well as a little folder with Norton Speed Disk, and the Norton Shared Library in it. This means I can Rebuild, or de-frag, any partition, at any time, and in the case of Speed Disk [or Plus Optimizer] I can set the app for 512 MB RAM, rather than using the 32 MB that is set on the CD, itself. The difference between optimizing with 'big' RAM and factory-set RAM, is huge, in terms of speed. ~flipper