I can also attest to the longevity of Macs. My original Mac Plus still works though I now use it as a door stop and a curiosity (the 10 meg quantum external however rarely worked reliably and died within two years). My Mac II is now being used by a relative new to computers (uses it for word processing). My Power Computing 180 still in use at my office though I had to replace the HD eight years ago (but would have anyway because I outgrew the original drive). My Wallstreet powerbook still works flawlessly (my only computer that can access floppies). G4 desktop has chugged along for the last two years. My Ti book, no problems, bless its little heart. The only Macs I buy Apple service for are the portables due to moving them constantly, carrying them in car, planes, using them by the pool and due the the high costs of replacement parts and difficulty in self service. Just my 2 cents.