[Ti] I won't sign the petition [was: Canadians need not apply!]

David Remahl david at ittpoi.com
Thu May 1 10:59:19 PDT 2003

On Thursday, May 1, 2003, at 07:42 PM, Robert Ameeti wrote:

>> The real issue is that they don't tell us _why_ it is US only. They 
>> could state a reason
> Why should they have to? They don't work for you. They could if they 
> chose, to just do it cuz they wanted to. They are not obligated to 
> tell anyone their reasons.

No, but I think it would be _wise_ of them to inform their customers, 
to avoid unnecessary negative publicity.

>> Right now, it seems like they care more about Windows users in the 
>> U.S. than about faithful customers in non-U.S. countries.
> They don't care? They make money from this. They don't like your 
> money? Gimme a break.

They probably think Windows users in the U.S. have a greater potential 
of making money for them. But I don't think loosing even more market 
share outside of North America is in the interest of Apple. Question 
is, why did they say that Windows support would come in

>> This is only the latest in a series of discriminations against Europe 
>> and other regions.
> Discrimination. Jeez. Get over it. Everyone is against you. We don't 
> like you. We don't like your money. Business is business. If we can 
> figure out a way to take your money and make a profit while doing it, 
> we will do it. If we can't make money selling to you, we won't do it. 
> And I'll be damned to think we should be forced to do anything  that 
> we don't want to do.

I wonder how _you_ would have reacted if this music service had been 
introduced first in Japan or Europe, with Apple making no mention of 
when the U.S. would follow.

Lets not make to big a deal out of this. This will not turn me away 
from the Mac platform in any way. I will certainly continue to buy and 
use Macs. But, for other people, I know that localization is very 

This is pretty off topic, and you don't seem to understand why 
non-american Apple customers feel ignored and put aside. Lets drop this 
here and now...

/ Rgds, David

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