Jesse Brown paused, thought it over, and spoke thusly: >Just because you "WANT" it or even >"NEED" it, doesn't mean you have a right to it outside of the parameters of >the owners decision on it's value. Capitalism is the ultimate democratic >economic and political system. Whoa, I'm no socialist, but i did work for Wall St banks for a while, and let me explain something about Capitalism... Owners setting Prices [or. as you put it, making a 'decision on its value']??? What biz school did you learn that in? Your so-called 'democratic' scenario only happens in Monopoly situations, or illegal situations, for example collusion between 'so-called' competitors. Pure capitalism, as regarding the 'Price' of any given item is all about supply and demand. price points are reached, over time, and constantly fluctuate. When the price reaches levels that people are either 'too willing to pay' [i.e. demand exceeds supply, the price rises], or 'unwilling to pay' [demand fails to materialize, and prices drop till demand picks up]. Any system, whose prices are 'governed' by the owners of the means of production is either criminal, under our laws, or has been given artificial 'support' through law, price 'freezes', tolerance of monopolistic business practices, etc. Anti-trust Law must have sounded real American to you back in Civics class, but guess what? This is the real world, pal, and anti-trust hasn't actually been used to stop anything in ages. Look at the regional Bells, look at the slap on the wrist [not even] that Microsoft got, listen to the blatherings of Michael Powell over at the FCC, etc. What we have is an oligarchy using Congress to divide up tax money to subsidize the entrenched moneyed classes, and a White house, manned in name, by a guy who thinks the only problem with our economy is that rich people don't have enough money. That is a robber baron version of capitalism, and everyone from Adam smith to the most 'average' business admin student, knows it. Besides that, the fellow you responded to had a whacky grasp of things that had nothing to do with socialism, either. If you paid hard-earned cash for your education in Economics, I'd ask for a refund, pronto. ~flipper