Paul, Thanks for the great advice. I'm in a similar pickle. Over the last week, I've started getting kernal panics, the first since getting the powerbook in December. Today I had three alone (2 under 10.2.4, one under 10.2.6). Things start up fine. All happened as the powerbook was running a while, and out of the clear blue, panicked. panic.log says they are "unresolved kernel trap" usually followed by 0x300, once by 0x700. I suspect it's because I have not been practicing safe computing (using a lot of betas and software from suspicious sources.) Looks like I'm going to have to erase the drive, reinstall OS X and apps, and restore my documents. If anyone has something better to try, let me know. Another problem, about 2 weeks ago I tried to reboot into OS 9 and it said it could find a bootable system folder. Reinstalled OS-X, twice (!). At this point, I'm hesitant to try booting into OS 9 again. Thanks for any suggestions, Dave Schlicher