[Ti] TiBook (and AlBook) Memory Maximums

Benn joverkamp at earthlink.net
Tue May 6 19:55:17 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, May 6, 2003, at 07:57  PM, JELyon wrote:
> Is it possible that the TiBooks will actually support more than 1GB of 
> RAM?
> I understand that with older Macs, it was generally an issue of the 
> computers being tested with what was generally available at the time 
> which determined what was "supported."

It's my understanding that the titanium powerbooks do not support over 
1GB of RAM (two 512MB chips).  I'm not sure if there are PC133 SO-DIMMs 
that meet Apple's spec that are over 512MB in size, or if it's even 
possible, but take, for example, the Aluminum Powerbooks...
Apple says the 12" "supports up to 640MB."  However, there are already 
two companies that well a 1GB module for the 12" powerbook:
<http://www.dsp-memory.de/1gb/> and <http://www.dallasmemory.com>.  The 
former is in Germany and has a picture of the 12" running with a 1024MB 
DIMM in available slot.

Apple's Powerbook 17" Developer Notes also says that for each slot, "1 
GB is a theoretical max and is reserved for future expansion," giving 
it an actual memory maximum of 2GB!!  It's just a matter of time until 
1GB PC2700 SO-DIMMs start getting manufactured.

But as for the tibook, I believe it's unlikely, but who knows.


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