[Ti] [OT} All this 'anti-piracy' stuff

PaulaTx1 at aol.com PaulaTx1 at aol.com
Wed May 7 14:06:24 PDT 2003

In a message dated 5/7/2003 2:46:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, wakinyan at fuse.net writes:

> I noticed that when it comes to law, all the lawyers on the 
> list 
> become silent ;-)
     Are they really being silent on this...or did they just choose to ignore an off topic thread?   I was ignoring the thread until the rudeness topic showed up and I realized we were losing members.  Then I went back and read the thread.  [Even I was impressed by the level of rudeness flying around.]  
      I think the thread wandered too far afield; I  think a lot of the people who posted are extremely passionate in their views.  And I think a lot of people assume that silence  on an email list  is a sign of agreement, and that's not necessarily the case.   Silence  can mean  they aren't bothering to read the thread...or  they don't care enough about the issue to respond...or they dont' want to be baited into a mudslinging fight (albeit a high quality mud  slung by practiced slingers)...or they may not care to associate  with people who would publicly post such concepts as   theft is okay, etc.  {I myself find the public discussion  of corporations  to be questionable, ie, not to be done in polite society.}  
     This particular thread would probably be better suited to a bar   than to an email list.  And I would hate to think we would lose any more members.  Who knows  who will have the problems/solutions  to the computer questions I may have in the future?  Don't drive anyone way!  We may need them! 

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