[Ti] [OT} All this 'anti-piracy' stuff

Sherman Gregory sherman at qualcomm.com
Wed May 7 15:49:31 PDT 2003

At 3:27 PM -0600 5/7/03, Sam Hotchkiss wrote:
>by accepting stolen property you are not, yourself, removing that 
>property from its rightful owner-- that said, there is a moral 
>obligation to make a reasonable attempt to return that property, 
>but, at least in my mind, there is no true moral faux pas when it 
>comes to ACCEPTING that property.

I think the important point about purchasing stolen property is that 
you are enabling and supporting the theft industry.  If the market 
would only bare a price of zero dollars for stolen property, the 
thief would go out of business just like the music industry.

By purchasing stolen property, you are encouraging someone to steal 
from you.  You are providing the market for that industry.  Without 
that market there are only the petty thieves that steal for their own 
personal use, which as far a physical goods go, is probably a small 
part of the overall problem.

So, if your Titanium gets stolen, it is probably because someone is 
out there to buy it, (hopefully not someone on this list).  OK, are 
we back on topic now?


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