[Ti] Any DV specialists here?

Kynan Shook kshook at mac.com
Mon May 12 13:39:05 PDT 2003

Bill Reburn <reburn at mts.net> writes:
> Is there a rule of thumb for how much space video/audio information 
> takes on
> a HD? For some reason 1Mb/sec pops up in my mind.

It depends on the format, compression rate, resolution, color depth...  
If you're thinking DV format (what iMovie imports), that runs at 3.6 MB 
per second.  However, that is a fairly high data rate as far as video 
compression goes.  A high-quality compressed movie trailer would 
probably be in the neighborhood of 150-350 KBps.

Kynan Shook
kshook at mac.com

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