[Ti] Canadians looking at bargains

Cyn flanders1 at charter.net
Thu May 15 18:53:58 PDT 2003

At 6:52 PM -0400 5/15/03, Murray Kastner wrote:
>Jus thought I'd indulge myself in wishful thinking and checked the 
>effect of the surging Canadian dollar. The 17" PB is $5300 Canadian 
>but mailorder dealers in the US will sell for as low as $3211. (and 
>they'll even throw in free 512 Mb upgrades as well as a free Epson 
>printer). If a Canadian has a friend in the USA, it is conceivable 
>for him/her to buy the very same little beauty for $1000.00 less and 
>may even save taxes as well.
>If I could get a academic discount, I'd be doing it meself. As it 
>is, I shall closely monitor the soaring Canadian dollar and when I 
>can get me a new 17" PB for $4000. Cdn, I am there!!
>Hope this helps someone other Canadian wanting a little more 
>rationalization to spring for a new PB.

Damn, you want me to ship you one? Is that illegal? What if I was 
sending you a birthday present? (Wink wink)
Help me to be careful of the toes I step on today as they may be 
connected to the ass that I may have to kiss tomorrow.

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