[Ti] 17-inch PBG4 names (was:[Ti] Good stand for the Lunchtray?)

Cyn flanders1 at charter.net
Fri May 16 18:28:15 PDT 2003

At 3:58 PM -0400 5/16/03, Peter Krug wrote:
>>Hey, now your talking. I need a theme. I am likely to pick an album 
>>by Pink Floyd.
>A Lunchtrayful of Secrets?
>The Lunchtray at the Gates of Dawn?
>A Not-so-momentary Lapse of Cash?

Now you are on to something!

>Don't "Meddle" with my Lunchtray?
>The "Wall" of 17-inch goodness?

Hmmm, The Wall...I like it!

>Or how about calling it "Opel".  Or "Several Species of 17-inch 
>Aluminum Lunchtrays Gathered Together in a Wireless Hotspot Grooving 
>with each other's iTunes".  Or something like that, only catchier.

See, now the real imaginative juices are flowing.

>Sorry.  My boss just gave me a deadline reprieve until Monday 
>afternoon.  I couldn't help myself.

I enjoyed it and by the way....take the weekend off!


Who is this teenager and why is he calling me Mom?

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