>How can you tell if you are running Quartz or Quartz extreme? I >absolutely need to run 10.2.5 at the latest for the pro audio >software I use, and to be able to access the Magma Cardbus PCI >expansion chassis. The freeze only occurs in OSX, If i boot into >classic, all is fine. When minimizing to the Dock, if a crash >occurs, you can see the animation go by, about a frame a minute, >until the beachball starts to spin. The machine will no longer >respond to a force quit, once this happens. There are no problems >at all running two monitors in OS 10.2.5 or 10.2.6, if all my work >is done on the powerbook LCD. A crash will occur when a window >resize type of operation is attempted on the external, though not >every time, but almost. Thanks for your input. I had seen some >utility that would bypass quartz entirely for slower computers, I >may try it. This sounds more like the Finder crashing than a Quartz Extreme issue; as has been mentioned, if you don't have enough vram, QE just doesn't run. Finder is, unfortunately, probably the crappiest app in OSX right now. Try this: Create a new user, logout and login as the new user. Does the problem persist? If no, then you know it is related to something specific to your current user. Deleting Finder prefs (com.apple.finder.plist in your User/Library/Preferences) may help. If yes, then your problem is System or Disk related; First and foremost, I would check your fonts. FontDoctor X for Macintosh is a pretty good app for doing this; the demo version will look at your fonts and tell you which ones are bad, but will not repair them. Also boot into single user mode and run fsck -y; if that fails then boot from CD and run disk first aid. Another thing that may help identify the problem is to go to your Utilities folder and open the app called Console; go to your preferences and under the crashes tab click on both options; move the console window over to your LCD and do something that will cause the crash, watch the console window and see what is causing the crash. Oh and errors like this: WindowServer[181]: CGXDisableUpdate: Updates disabled by connection 0xac17 for over 1.000000 seconds Happen regularly in OSX, it is a bug, but have been happening on numerous (probably all) boxen since v10.0. Another note is not to run Console all the time, as it will affect system performance. It is really meant for troubleshooting. -- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Mike Bigley Maineville, Ohio http://www.norbertrunning.com Please support an American Indian Elder & Medicine Man by visiting the above link. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>