[Ti] Airport alternative?

Steve Wozniak steve at woz.org
Wed May 21 09:06:27 PDT 2003

At 10:49 AM -0400 2003.05.21, Jesse Brown wrote:
>I'll agree with Mike on this one. Since I have a long commute I frequently
>listen to Audio Books from Audible on my iPod through the FM adapter I
>bought (can;t remember where). It runs on aaa batteries and doesn't last a
>whole book plus only tunes to 88.1/.3/.5 or .7 . Here in the DC area these
>positions on the dial are taken. You have to out the adapter right under the
>radio in the ashtray in order for it to work at all (good thing I don't
>smoke!) I think If I were to do it again I'll get the cassette adapter.

If you have one of the older iPods, the Belkin cigarette adapter doesn't apply.

If you have one of the newer iPods, what other choice is there, besides your computer, to run the iPod. If Mike's 10-12 hours of FM transmitter battery life is too short, then your iPod had better be fully charged before the trip.

The Belkin Cigarette lighter adapter has its own constant-volume mini-jack port. You can set its volume characteristics with a jog dial on this adapter. You don't have to plug an FM transmitter (or whatever) into the iPod earphone jack. You have only the one cable to attach to and release from your iPod. This is convenient and clean. I'm guessing that you could even use an iPod dock in your car with it.


Steve  (is tv wake zone?)

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