Apple Care

John B. Crane jbcrane at
Wed May 21 10:12:35 PDT 2003

If this just doesn't beat all...
After the SuperDrive failed on my new 17" AlBook Friday, I called 
Apple. We did some short troubleshooting over the phone, then the guy 
set up a repair order. The unit shipped out Monday around 3PM. The 
doorbell rang 20 minutes ago and it was AirBorne Express with my unit, 
Wednesday 10:15AM. The unit was gone less than 72 hours.

I'm astounded. The computer looks the same-no marks, no scratches... 
perfect as the day I sent it off.
All my data is intact (though I did back it up before shipping it)-so 
the only restore is 16Gig of User data I'm copying back off the 
external 80Gig FW Drive). I included my nifty RadTechUS screen 
protector and my power brick, both of which were returned with little 
bar code stickers attached.

Service is often a "product" sacrificed when companies start zeroing in 
on profits. I've always believed that good service is the hallmark of a 
successful business, and should be commended when observed. My hat's 
off to Apple and the Apple Care Protection Plan. I'm a believer.
Thanks for really, truly making "the whole widget."

John B. Crane
CraneDigital, LLC
3D Visual Communications for All Media
Fort Collins, CO 80528
tel: (970) 229-1462

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